San Andreas Republic: Public Works

What connects San Andreas is people. What connects people, is us.

Welcome, to Public Works.

Public Works is a large, civilian faction of San Andreas Republic, primarily concerned with the construction, maintenance and protection of all state, county & city owned roads, properties, parks, pipe lines, power lines and more - If the public use it, we run it. As such, we take pride in the professionalism and integrity associated with our faction and it's members - We wish to uphold these standards, which is why it's important that all players keep up-to-date with our Standard Operating Procedures across our various agencies.

Public Works offers variation like no other civilian faction, with many agencies to chose from, all with different responsibilities, jurisdictions and specialist assignments. We even offer the ability to use exclusive scripts & props, including our Variable Message Signs seen across San Andreas and nearly 100 custom props found in our prop menu.

Custom Uniforms

Custom, bespoke uniforms for almost every individual agency in Public Works to make you fit the part.

Varying Agencies

From Santrans to the National Park Service, choose from a variety of agencies to roleplay as in any AOP.

Custom Props

Choose from a variety of props to enhance your Public Works scenes and direct the flow of traffic.

High-Quality Vehicles

Custom, exclusive vehicles for all members to use, made by modders from the lore community.


For more information, or if you wish to ask any questions, contact one of our Public Works Leadership-Team Members here.

Alternatively, you can view our 'Frequently Asked Questions' page here.