AMBER & Blue Alerts
AMBER Alerts
AMBER stands for America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response and it is a U.S. Department of Justice program used to respond to the abduction of a child. AMBER alerts must be declared by an on-duty LEO Supervisor or LEO Command Member, before messages can be displayed on our CMS boards. AMBER Alert messages are typically a three-line message that provides information to motorists on the abduction of a child. The message should display a vehicle description and license plate number (or partial number).
The following guidelines must be strictly followed when creating an AMBER Alert display, as to allow for the best readability and uniformity across the state.
AMBER Alerts can be displayed on any and all signs across the state, which are otherwise not in use.
Row A should ONLY include the text 'CHLD ABDUCTION'.
Row B should include a vehicle description, including the color, make & model if possible. They should also follow that exact order in the row.
Row C should include the state of the vehicles registration & the license plate. (For example: SA 12ABC345)
Below you can see a correctly formatted AMBER Alert, as seen on a CMS Display.
Blue Alerts
Blue Alert messages consist of a three-line message that provides information on a suspect’s vehicle to motorists following an attack on a law enforcement officer. The message should display a vehicle description and license plate number. Blue alerts must be declared by an on-duty LEO Supervisor or LEO Command Member, before messages can be displayed on our CMS boards - Most commonly, a Blue Alert will be posted in #leo-advisories.
The following guidelines must be strictly followed when creating an Blue Alert display, as to allow for the best readability and uniformity across the state.
Blue Alerts can be displayed on any and all signs across the state, which are otherwise not in use.
Row A should ONLY include the text 'CALL 911'.
Row B should include a vehicle description, including the color, make & model if possible. They should also follow that exact order in the row.
Row C should include the state of the vehicles registration & the license plate. (For example: SA 12ABC345)
Below you can see a correctly formatted Blue Alert, as seen on a CMS Display.